Welcome to the Nevada School Climate/Social Emotional Learning (NV-SCSEL) Survey
Access and examine data about the experiences of students and staff throughout Nevada's schools by clicking on the buttons below for survey reports and tools.
Student and staff feedback about their experiences at school can provide powerful information to support schools’ efforts to improve the climate and conditions for learning and teaching in their schools. The NV-SCSEL surveys are administered to students and school staff throughout the state of Nevada during the fall of each school year to gather this important information. The NV-SCSEL surveys measure students’ and staffs’ perceptions of key aspects of school climate, including physical and emotional safety, relationships, and cultural and linguistic competence, as well as students’ social and emotional competencies. In addition, data from the NV-SCSEL are used by the Nevada Department of Education (NDE) to help understand student and staff needs throughout the state. For more information, please visit NDE’s school climate page at https://doe.nv.gov/saferespectfullearning/school-climate-universal-supports/school-climate-universal-supports/.
About the surveys
When, where, and by whom are the surveys administered?
The American Institutes for Research (AIR), on behalf of NDE, administers the NV-SCSEL surveys in participating school districts and charters once every school year in the fall. Participating schools provide information to their students and staff about the survey, including when the survey is available each year. Please note that Washoe County School District and Clark County School District administer their own school climate surveys.
Participating schools provide randomly generated usernames to students to access the student survey at https://student.nevadaschoolclimate.org. Usernames are not needed for the staff survey (accessible at https://staff.nevadaschoolclimate.org/) during the survey administration period each fall. All school staff in Nevada can take the staff survey, including staff working in early education, PK-12, and adult education.
Why should I take the survey?
The survey is an opportunity for students and school staff to anonymously share their experiences of their school’s climate with their school, school districts and charters, and NDE. The more students and staff participate, the more actionable and helpful the results are to support school climate improvement efforts.
Who will see my answers?
The NV-SCSEL surveys are anonymous and voluntary. The surveys are designed this way so that survey respondents feel comfortable providing honest responses to questions about how they experience their school, knowing that their responses will be kept strictly confidential. Researchers at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) provide schools and school districts and charters with summary information about how students and school staff perceive the culture and climate at their schools based on responses to groups of questions. AIR and NDE will not share answers to individual questions or groups of questions that could identify survey respondents.
About the survey results
What are survey reports?
Each time the survey is administered (in the fall of each school year), AIR provides ADA-compliant PDF reports that show aggregated survey results at the school, school district or charter, and state levels. These reports display results for each of the NV-SCSEL topics overall and by respondent characteristics, item-level response distributions, and links to relevant resources. The NV-SCSEL reports can be accessed by clicking the “View Reports” button at the top of the page or by going to https://nevadaschoolclimate.org/reports.
What is the interactive data tool?
The NV-SCSEL interactive data tool displays NV-SCSEL student survey data at the school, school district or charter, and state levels. In this tool, users will find:
- The most recent survey results, overall and by respondent subgroup
- Trends over time for schools that participated in NV-SCSEL in multiple years
- A detailed breakdown of the percentage of respondents (overall and by respondent subgroup) that perceive the school environment in each performance-level benchmark category (most favorable to least favorable)
- Item-level response distributions
- Resources to support data use to drive school climate improvements
The NV-SCSEL Interactive Data Tool can be accessed by clicking the “Explore Data” button at the top of the page or by going to https://nevadaschoolclimate.org/datatool.
What is the peer matching tool?
The NV-SCSEL peer matching tool is designed to facilitate the comparison of school climate between schools. Through the peer matching tool, users are prompted to select a school of interest, and the tool will match the school of interest to other similar “peer” schools. Peer schools are matched based on characteristics of the schools and the students they serve. The number of comparison schools and the school characteristics used to match schools can be customized by the user. Users can also manually select two schools to compare their school climate data. The NV-SCSEL Peer Matching Tool can be accessed by clicking the “Compare Data” button at the top of the page or by going to https://nevadaschoolclimate.org/peermatch.